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This is a hand- painted pair of orchid earrings that helps incite peace and tranquility in your normal, hectic day. The pair features an overlapping image of 2 orchid flowers, paired with a peaceful black background and gold accents.
Specs: Acrylics on wood. 2 in x 2 in.  Care: Wipe with damp clean cloth.                Add to Cart


Sweet Treats

Aren't these just adorable? We all have a sweet tooth for something. Well this guilty pleasure is apart of our guilt- free zone. These sweets features a rainbow sprinkled and a swirl doughnut. Such a dynamic duo!! 

Specs: 1.5in x 1.5in

Care: Wipe with damp warm cloth

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This lovely pair features a continuous painting on blue flowers. No, the flowers are not the same. They display the beauty of being different. It's okay to be different, embrace it!! 

Specs: Acrylic paint on wood. 2 in x 1.5 in

Care: Wipe with damp warm cloth

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Taco Tuesday

Why Taco Tuesday you say? I say, Why not?! Tacos are amazing and this lovely pair is for the taco connoisseurs out there. These earrings feature both a seasoned beef and chicken taco. 

Specs: Acrylics on wood. 3 in x 1 in 

Care: Wipe with warm, damp cloth

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   Music to my Ears

I love music, no matter the genre. It always helps me zone out as I transcend to a place of peace. I know there are a lot of music lovers out there. This pair features a hand- painted piano key and metronome for mesh up for the music lovers.

Specs: Acrylics on wood. 2 in x 1 in

Care: Wipe with warm, damp cloth

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Bubbles....they always make me think of a simpler time when I was young playing with bubbles outside at Grandma's house. This lovely pair features multiple bubbles that helps you release that inner child in you. 

Specs: Acrylics on wood. 2 in x 2 in

Care: Wipe with warm, damp cloth.

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Dragonfly Fairy

I absolutely, love dragonflies. The nature of them, the symbolism, and all...I love it. I swear a dragonfly is my spirit animal, LOL. This lovely pair features hand- painted dragonfly wings used to ignite your inner fairy.

Specs: Acrylic paint on wood. 2.5 in x 2 in

Care: Wipe with warm, damp cloth.

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African Queen

We are all Queens and should be treated as such!! Never accept less that you're worth, and baby girl, you are PRICELESS!! We are dripping with the melanin that was given to us, and we should rock it proudly. This pair features an African necklace design meant to remind you of the Warrior Queen you are!

Specs: Acrylics on wood. 3 in x 2 in

Care: Wipe with warm, damp cloth

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There is never a bad time to make sure you are realigned and balanced.This pair features a hand- painted lotus and moon phases that let's you transcend to a calmer peace.

Specs: Acrylic paint on wood. 2.5 in x 1 in

Care: Wipe with warm, damp cloth.

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I have always been fascinated with how elegant Egyptian jewelry was. Royalty always displayed by the flamboyance of their jewelry and precious stones. I'm not a big fan of bugs, but these beetles I would rock all day. This pair features hand-painted Egyptian scarab beetles. 

Specs: Acrylic paint on wood. 3 in x 2 in

Care: Wipe with warm, damp cloth.

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